Sales Projections

Adding Sales projections to a crop unit shows all of your sales Projections in a filterable list.

To add a sales projection for a unit:

  1. Check or add you have added the crop you want to create a unit for
  2. Go to the More ... menu beside your initials in the top right of the screen
  3. Click on Units
  4. Click + Unit
  5. Add a unit name, type, and associate this unit with a crop. Click Save
  6. Go to the bottom of Click on + Projection which will now appear at the bottom of the page
  7. Fill in the projection to represent what you plant to sell for that unit and click Save
  8. Click on 'View Sales Projections' at the bottom of the page to see a filtered list of sales projections for that crop

Auto-generate plantings to match sales projections:

Add Units per bed ft and let VeggieCropper calculate and create your plantings for you so your plantings will grow the correct bed feet that will be ready for harvest at the correct time to meet your projected sales for any combination of units and dates and customers.

To access the Sales Projections List:

  1. Go to the ... More menu dropdown beside your initials and click 'Units'
  2. Select a unit that has a Sales projection (or add one
  3. Look to the bottom of that unit page and select 'View Sales Projections List'

This will take you to a pre-filtered list of your sales projections for this unit. You can adjust and reset the filters to see all of your sales projections or any combination of customer, weeks and units. 

This list is fully sortable and includes an aggregated list view using the group button beside the calculator. You can quickly access Totals for your current view by clicking on the Calculator icon or the group button to see totals by crop unit.  

Each 'Projection' listed on the Sales Projections List represents the weekly sale of that crop unit to a specific customer. These projections are based on adding a sales projection to a unit.