
Listed by default, you can and manage individual orders from this page.

From this page, click on the more menu dropdown beside orders to find:

  • Harvest Summary - Uncompleted harvests grouped by crop unit
  • Pack Summary - Uncompleted packs grouped by crop unit  
  • Harvest & Pack All - All completed & uncompleted harvests and packs 
  • Online Order Form - Use simple online forms to simplify selling online

Creating an Order:

  1. Click 'Order' in the navbar to get to the Harvests Page
  2. Click '+ Order'
  3. Add or select a Customer
  4. Choose a date (this date is used to prioritize harvest and pack items with other harvests)
  5. Select a Crop Unit from the drop-down or click + Create new unit (ex Carrot - Bunch $4.00)
  6. Fill in the pack amount. 
  7. Click 'Save'

Once an Order form is saved you can access your Harvest and Pack lists by clicking on the more menu beside Orders on the Orders page.