Create an Online Store with Online Order Form

Online Order Forms makes it easy to sell online.

The following video will be updated shortly and provides a brief overview:

Creating an Online Store with Online Order Form

Go to the Orders page and click on the orders icon next to the import icon at the top right of the page.

From the Online Order Forms page,  click the blue '+ Online Order Form' button in the top right. 

The only required fields are title, order window open and close date and times.

Once your form is ready click Next in the top right. Learn how to add products to your form.

Online Store Setup Page Fields:

Title & text box - These fields display at the top of the customer-facing form. The text box allows inserting images and hyperlinks with some rich text options to quickly create a good-looking basic form with all of the important details your customers need to know. You can add custom HTML code to this box.

Order window - Open and close, dates and times are required fields that determine when your form link will be open for taking in orders. If someone uses the order link before the opening date, they will see the opening date and time displayed. 

The closing date and time appear at the top of the online store. 

Once the order window is closed, an 'Order window closed' message will show when someone clicks on that store link.

Allow customer to edit their order before window closes - Checking this box allows customers to place an order and then edit or cancel it until the order window end date.

Require phone - address  - Checking these boxes shows and makes these fields required when the customer is adding contact information to their form.

Location -  An internal field (the customer will not see it) for packing orders to assemble them by 'Location'. 

Minimum Order $ - Optional, forms will not be accepted until a minimum order amount is achieved by the customer. This amount appears at the top of the form. Leaving it empty displays 'Minimum Order $0.00'.

Minimum Quantity - Optional, this feature will not allow an order to be updated or submitted until a minimum number of crop units (order items) has been reached.

Maximum Quantity - Optional, this feature will limit the number of crop units allowed for each order. Exceeding thus number of crop units will show a warning box and not allow the order to be updated or submitted until the number of crop units (order items) has been reduced.

Payment due by - Determines when an order shows as overdue for payment on the orders page or the individual store.

We suggest creating different forms for different actual locations as needed. Include the customer-facing location drop-off directions & information in the introductory text (at the top) of each form and in the order confirmation text (which is included in the email to each customer when they put in an order).

Auto pay with Customer Credit - (Available with CSA Add-on) Selecting this box will automatically deduct the customers order from their credit. If no credit is available, the order will still be placed and a negative credit value will show on the order confirmation page, the email the customer receives as well as for that customer. Learn more about customer credit here.

Order confirmation reply email - This is the address used for the reply email for the order confirmations sent by VeggieCropper when customers place their order. 

Send order notifications to this email? - When checked, this address will receive a message with order details from VeggieCropper every time an order is placed.

Order confirmation text - This text will display on the order confirmation page that the customer sees after they place their order as well as in the order confirmation email. We suggest putting details in here about pickup location and how you want to receive payment.