Online Order Form Setup Page

This page allows you to manage your Online Order Form, which can act as a basic online store. You can access the setup page for an online form by clicking on an individual Online Order Form from the online order form list page. Here you can add and update the crop units (products) available for your online store.

After selecting the form you want to work on, click the more menu beside the form name to:

Adding products to your Online Order Form

Select a unit from the drop-down and click + Crop Unit to add more units to sell.

To create a new unit, start typing in the name of the unit you want to create and select 'Add...' to define a few more details.

Arranging units

The order in your crop units appear in here is how they will appear on the form page. To change the unit order, save the form and rearrange units by dragging the small icon to the left of the crop unit up or down.  

Adding pictures

Each unit can display a clickable photo in the form. Once clicked, the full image will show in the middle of the screen. To add photos to units:

  1. In the nav bar, select Units on the ... More menu next to your initials
  2. Choose a unit
  3. Scroll down and click on 'Add Image' near the bottom
  4. Select the png or jpg file to attach

If the image does not have the correct orientation or size, you will have to edit and resave it on your computer before uploading again.

Form fields

Unit - Add an existing crop unit or create a new one on the fly to sell on your form

Available - This is the total unit amount that can be sold for this form. Once enough orders have been placed that there is no more available, this unit will not show on the form.

Max Order - An optional field, Max Order will limit the amount of units that can be purchased on each online store.

Harvest - The online store always creates a pack for each item ordered. When this box is selected a harvest will also show for this item each time it is ordered.

Require - Selecting this box will require a customer to order a minimum of 1 of this item.  The quantity field that the customer sees will show a 1 for each required item by default..


Once I am taking orders with an active form, can I remove units or adjust the amount available?

Yes, the best approach if you want to remove an item, is to reduce availability to 0. Once availability reaches 0, the item will not appear on the online order form. If a crop unit is removed/deleted from the form, individual orders up to that point will still have that product listed, as well as on harvest lists. You can also add new products at any time. As soon as the form is saved, new products will show on the store.