Harvest Plans

Once you have added a planting with a weeks to and weeks of harvest, you have started building your harvest list. You can find Harvest Plans list by clicking on the More... menu at the top of the screen and then clicking Harvest Plans. 

Harvest Plans are a list of each planned harvest as determined by your planting schedule and the weeks of harvest you entered for each planting.

If you assign a location for a planting in Fields you can see the locations displayed as well.

To see harvest plans for the whole season click on the more menu beside 'This week'

Use the filter icon to dig down into your harvests and pull any combination of week and crop.

When the season is in full swing, use Harvest Plans to get instant access to week-to-week harvest availability as determined by your planting schedule. Keep your planting schedule up to date by putting in actual planting dates and then you'll always know what to harvest and when.

Required Fields to get a Harvest Plan

  • Crop > Plantings tab > At least one completed Planting including:
    • 'Field week'
    • 'Bed feet'
    • 'Wks to harvest'
    • 'Wks of harvest'