Online Order Form FAQ
My customer had something in their cart and it disappeared when they went to checkout, what happened?
In this case, the item likely sold out before they placed their order. Since there is no cart in VeggieCropper customers need to complete their orders by clicking 'Place Order' to reserve an item for their order. See below for suggestions on how to help customers get the low inventory items they want.
What happens when you sell out of an item?
If there is 'Max 1' of an item, such as in the beets example below:
These beets will go to the first customer that clicks 'Place order'. Once an item sells out it does not appear in the order list. Customers cannot see what items sell out. Inventory and new items can always be added to the store.
If this is recurring issue, here are the steps to take:
- Make sure that 'allow customers to edit their orders before the order window closes' is selected.
- Tell your customers how to get low inventory items by:
- Placing a partial order of the items they want that have low inventory and click 'Checkout', add details if needed and then click 'Place Order'.
- Then add more items by editing the order right away and confirming by clicking 'Update'
Customers can edit their orders as many times as they want. Each time they will receive a confirmation email with the updated order.
* When editing orders, the additional items are not confirmed until they click update at the bottom of the order page.
Here is example text to add to your order form page:
Did you know you can edit your order as much as you like before the order window closes?
For low inventory items we recommend putting in your order right away